Character Profiles
Here are the profiles of the stars of the show!
Ash Ketchum is from Pallet Town. He believes he is destined to become a great Pokémon master. He is 10 years old in the anime, but in the game, he (or you, however you want to put it) is 11. On the day he is to get his Pokémon, he oversleeps. Professor Oak only has a Pikachu left for him. I probably wouldn't have gotten any sleep if I were starting a journey.^_^ Anyway, Ash is a very stubborn and persistant (maybe that's a good thing? ^_~) fellow. He likes to have his way. ^_^ Did ya see the Sabrina episode? He pesters her father and gets really beat up doing so, but doesn't give up until the man gives him advice.
In an upcoming episode, Gary offers Ash a stay at his hotel, because all the others are booked, but says that one from his party has to turn around and say Pikachu. Even though Ash is very hungry and tired, he states that he's not THAT desperate. (Now that's stubborn. I'd probably succumb to my hunger.... It depends on what I'm feelin...)Sometimes Ash gets on my nerves, but most of the time I enjoy watching him. I'd say that he's about 3rd in line of favorites. Anyhow, back to the beginning, Ash and Pikachu didn't get along at first, but that changed after being attacked by Spearows and Ash saved Pika. Ash travels with a girl named Misty (he ruined her bike saving Pikachu) and a boy named Brock (his dad took over his gym). He has a rival named Gary who finds every opportunity possible to make fun of him, but if I we're Ash, I'd make fun of Gary's annoying voice!
Ash is kind of dumb. Let's just say he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Nor is he the brightest crayon in the box. He not the---okay, you get the picture-right??:)He needs his pokedex even to identify the(in my opinion) the easiest pokemon! He isn't good at figuring out stuff,either.One example of this is,again, the Sabrina episode. No matter how many hints are given to him, he still can seem to figure out that the strange man is Sabrina's father. Because afore mentioned man had pictures of her, Ash figured that he was the photographer and took her baby pictures. The same man(yes, again)said that Ash is very dense!:) I'd have to agree with him!
Ash does have a nice relationship with his pokemon,though. He kind to them and meets their needs.
Pikachu his best friend. Again, he gets a bit stubborn at times,and trys to make Pikachu fight when he doesn't want to. Ash laughs with them, crys with them and does alot of things with them. He runs to get them to the PokeCenter when they are injured or sick. He loves them enough to allow them to persue their dreams of mating or whatever.(Have you seen the Butterfree Episode??)
Misty and Brock's Profile to the Right
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Misty (Kasumi)
Misty is one of Ash's travel buddies. At first, Misty followed him because he had stolen her bicycle to save his Pikachu. She still wants her bike back, but I think that she is following Ash because he is her friend.
Misty is a Cerulean City gym leader, along with her three sisters. She doesn't seem to fit in with them though,and her sisters treat her somewhat as a joke.As you probably already know, sinceMisty is my club name,she(along with Gary) is my favorite character.Like Ash, she is very stubborn.And when two stubborn people start to argue,it takes a long time for an outcome.
One of Misty's pokemon,Psyduck, really trys her patience. It's funny when she summons Horsea or one of her other pokemon out, and Psyduck comes out yelling Psy yi yi! She acts like Psyduck is a pain in the neck and wishes he weren't around, but I think that she wouldn't be as happy with out him.
Unlike Ash, Misty is pretty smart. She knows a how lot about pokemon,especially water pokemon,her specialty. She is also compassionate with her pokemon, even though she doesn't keep any of them out of their pokeballs.
Misty's look is pretty cool too. Her ponytail gives the illusion that her hair is pretty long, but in one episode, she had it down, and it barely touches her shoulders. She looks cute with it down, but personally, I like the ponytail. It's her trademark. She wears the yellow midrif top with overall thingies and really short shorts.In the episode Ash Catches a Pokemon! Misty says that there are three things that people hate: carrots,peppers, and BUGS!!!!
She really hates Caterpie when Ash first catches him, and even after it beats Team Rocket, she's better about it, but she's still not to fond of him.
Some people say that Misty is 10, others say she is 12. I think that she is 12, although I'm not sure. If Misty were a real person, I'd probably enjoy hanging out with her.She can be impatient, but guess what, I can be a tad impatient too.
Misty seems more animated than some of the others girl characters. Let's say that she's got a heck of a lot of spunk. She does act and say she is so cute, alot, and some people think it's funny.(i.e. Team Rocket.) But she's not nearly as obsessive about her looks as Jesse!!!
This is one of my favorite images
Brock is the Pewter City gym leader. When Ash firsts meets him, he is taking care of quite a number of kids. He has no mom, and his father had abandoned him. Then , his father returns, and takes over the gym and kids, so Brock can persue his dream of becoming a great pokemon breeder.
I'm not really sure about Brock's age,some say he's 12(that's what it says at pokemon's official site.), some say he's 15. Still others say he is 13. He is the most mature of the group, and I think he seems older than 12. Perhaps taking care of his siblings for so long forced him to grow up too quickly.
Brock is like a role model for Ash. He gives him advice and stuff like that. And he makes most of the food, so it's a good thing for Ash and Misty to have him along.^_~ He does have his moments, but he doesn't argue nearly as much as those other two do.
As we all know, one weakness of Brock is liking for girls. Okay, so it's more than a liking, it's an obsession! He falls for nearly every girl the trio come across, especially Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. There is a relative of them in every city, and each time he sees one, Brock tells her that she is the most beautiful one yet.^_^ In one episode, Brock goes swooning for a girl named Susie, who is a pokemon breeder. They would make such a good couple,don't you agree. She didn't seem to have the same interest as Brock did in her though. But she gave him a Vulpix!*_* In the episode Dig those Diglett Brock starts obsessing over Gary's cheerleaders. He asks them to go out sometime, and they say:"Yes sir, we'd like that!" Misty clues Brock in that they think he's an old man, but he insists he desperate. He never did get those phone numbers though....
Brock's specialty is rock type pokemon. Although he is a themed trainer, he still has a Vulpix and Zubat.